Governor gets 4 bills that would crack down on addiction treatment scams, raise standards

Governor gets 4 bills that would crack down on addiction treatment scams, raise standards Link to article about these bills that appeared on 9/18/2019 in the Orange County Register CSAM’s co-sponsored bill, AB-920 (Petrie-Norris), is on the Governor’s desk to sign. This bill would require outpatient centers, which are now unsupervised by the state, to be licensed, regulated, and to adopt treatment criteria set by ASAM as the minimum standard of care. Also on the Governor’s desk:

AB-919 (Petrie-Norris) – would crack down on financial conflicts-of-interest among rehab operators

SB-589 (Bates) – would prohibit rehabs and sober homes from making false or misleading advertising statements

AB-290 (Wood) – would remove the financial incentive for treatment providers to lure people to California by promising “free” insurance coverage

Make your voice heard. By contacting the Governor using the link below, you can send your own comments about any of these bills: (Use the pull down menu to click on the bill number to create a subject line for your message)