The Mission of CSAM

The mission of CSAM is to advance the ethical and compassionate treatment of addiction through physician-led and expert-informed education of health professionals, patients, and the public. The Society promotes evidence-based and best practices, research, prevention, implementation of sound and socially just drug policies, and public education. We advocate for the wellness of individuals struggling with addictions, their families, clinicians, and other support systems at all stages of care.
With over 700 members in California, CSAM is the largest state chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). CSAM is a thriving, growing Society that contributes to our national organization (ASAM) with impactful education, effective advocacy for members and their patients, and a track record of contributing to the establishment of access to high quality addiction treatment for all.
§ Whole health: support the spiritual, socioeconomic, lifestyle, and interpersonal health of people struggling with unhealthy and addictive disorders.
§ Inclusiveness: foster inclusivity within addiction medicine leadership, membership and systems of care through intentional focus on race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and geographic diversity.
§ Social justice: advocate for elimination of unfair structural and social determinants of care and racist and other unjust drug enforcement policy, and promote equitable access to quality addiction healthcare.
§ Emphasize prevention: focus on youth, the intersection between trauma and addiction vulnerability, and public education.
- The annual Addiction Medicine Review Course and State of the Art Conference (alternating years). The CSAM conferences are of the premiere addiction medicine conferences in the country featuring nationally-known speakers on cutting-edge topics. CSAM is an accredited provider of Continuing Medical Education (CME).
- Biennial Leadership Development Retreat
- Public Policy and Advocacy program
- Resources for Physician Well-Being
- Outreach to primary care physicians to improve screening and treatment of addiction
- Training and scholarships to conferences for physicians-in-training
- Webinars with CME provided
- Newsletter and e-alerts on topics of interest to members
For more information about CSAM, call us: 415-764-4855 or email: