California Society of Addiction Medicine
One Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814 | 415/764-4855 | Fax 916/444-7462 www.csam-asam.org
A specialty society of physicians founded in 1973. Since 1989, a State Chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine
Contact: Kim Andosca
SB 57 (Wiener) – Overdose Prevention Program Passed by the California Senate
CSAM Sponsored Legislation Heads to the Governor for Signature
SACRAMENTO – The California Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM) is pleased to announce that SB 57 (Wiener) was passed by the California Senate on August 1, and now heads to Governor Gavin Newsom for his consideration. The Governor has until the end of September to sign or veto the bills passed by the state Legislature at the end of this 2021/2022 legislative session.
SB 57, sponsored by CSAM and authored by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), is life-saving legislation that would allow the City and County of San Francisco, the City and County of Los Angeles, and the City of Oakland the discretion to authorize overdose prevention programs where adults may use controlled substances under the supervision of staff trained to prevent and treat overdose, prevent HIV and hepatitis infection, and facilitate entry into drug treatment and other services.
“The California Society of Addiction Medicine, which represents physicians who care for substance use disorders, is pleased that the California Senate has passed SB 57. Our organization is a co-sponsor of SB 57, and we believe this bill will save lives here in California,” said Randolph Holmes, MD, FAAFP, DFASAM, Chair of Public Policy for CSAM. “We urge Governor Newsom to sign this bill into law as quickly as possible so we can move forward with these necessary services for our community.”
Overdose prevention programs (OPPs) — also known as supervised consumption services (SCS) — such as those that could be established under this bill, provide a sanctioned, safe space for people to consume pre-obtained drugs in controlled settings under the supervision of trained staff. These staff have access to sterile consumption equipment and tools to check participants’ drug supply for the presence of fentanyl. Participants can also receive health care, counseling, and referrals to health and social services, including drug treatment.
“If Governor Newsom signs this bill into law, he will not only save uncounted lives from unnecessary death but will also create a pathway into treatment for thousands of Californians for whom there is currently little hope of recovery,” said David Kan, MD, DFASAM, Past President of CSAM.
The mission of CSAM is to advance the ethical and compassionate treatment of addiction through physician-led education of health professionals, patients, and the public. The Society promotes practice, research, prevention, and implementation of evidence-based treatment and sound drug policy. We advocate for our patients, their families, and other support systems at all stages of care.