For the past four years, CSAM’s Executive Director, Kim Andosca, and our staff have provided their services through the Advocacy & Management Group (AMG). We extend our gratitude to Kim and the team for their hard work and dedication to CSAM. However, in light of future considerations and after careful deliberation on CSAM’s evolving needs, the Board has decided to transition to new management. This means that Kim and her team will be concluding their service to CSAM in June 2024.

During this transition period, we are pleased to announce that we will be collaborating with Kerry Parker, CSAM’s former Executive Director, to facilitate a seamless transition and to begin the search for new management. Our primary objectives during this search process include exploring various management structures to ensure the fulfillment of CSAM’s mission and to secure our financial sustainability for the long term. We are committed to keeping you informed throughout this process, prioritizing transparency and inclusivity. Your active engagement and input are highly encouraged during this period of change. The following links provide downloadable PDFs of the Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Association Management Services, Conference Management, and the Executive Director position description. If you have any recommendations for qualified executive directors or management companies with a passion for addiction medicine, please reach out to us via email at

During these changes, CSAM remains steadfast in its dedication to education and public policy advocacy. The Board and Conference Planning Committee are fully committed to delivering an exceptional CSAM State of the Art Conference, a tradition we are immensely proud of, scheduled for August 21-24 at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco. Having recently marked 50 years of service to the addiction medicine community and those they serve, we are excited to chart the course for the next 50 years of CSAM’s future alongside you.

Sharone Abramowitz, MD, DFASAM
President, California Society of Addiction Medicine